CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo

Test questions and question bank


Selection-list question

To watch the instruction video on selection-list questions (only in Dutch at the moment), please go to the end of this page.

Go to the Admin view and login with your Solis-ID and password.

  • Click in Remindo on the course (item bank) to which you would like to add the question.
  • In the top-right corner, you click on ‘Add question’. A window will pop up.
  • Under question type, you will select ‘Selection-list question.
  • Give the question a name that makes sense in the Code field.
  • Set the language to Dutch or English, so that you can filter questions per language. No buttons will be altered in Remindo when choosing Dutch or English.
  • In the bottom-right corner, click on ‘Add’.

A new window will appear. On the left, you will see two blocks each containing a pencil.

  • Click in the outer-most field on the left pencil and on the right a field for typing (containing a selection-list) will appear.
  • Click right on the field to begin typing. If you want more selection-list fields, click in the right-most field on right-most symbol of a question mark. Choose ‘Selection-list question’. An additional interaction will be added.

To add the correct answer and distractors to a selection-list question, click on the pencil (on the righthand-side) in the left block. On the right, a number of empty fields will appear to which you can add the correct answer/distractors, the distribution of points, and the possibility to give feedback.

  • Under ‘Choice’, you can indicate the correct answer(s).
  • If you want to lock a selection from the selection list in place, click on ‘yes’ under ‘Lock’.

In the instruction video below (in Dutch only at the moment), you can view how all this works in Remindo.
