CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo

Test questions and question bank


Score types per question

When you add a question in Remindo, you must indicate how that question should be evaluated, which depends strongly on the type of question. Below is a short explanation of the different score types.

Award points for correct answer

When you select this option, points will only be awarded if the candidate selected (all) the correct answer(s). If any element of the question is answered incorrectly, the entire answer will be considered incorrect and the candidate will be awarded no points.

Award points according to score mapping

When you select this option, it is possible to assign a score to each distractor. Scores can be assigned in whole points or tenths of points.

Some things to watch for are:

  • The maximum total score on any question is always at least 0 (negative scores are not possible);
  • Negative points can be assigned to incorrect distractors (-1 down to -10);
  • The correct distractor yields points;
  • When a candidate has selected the correct answer, it is possible to assign bonus points on top of the regular points awarded for a correct answer.

The quotient and product rules dynamically calculate the score on a multiple-response question based on the proportion of correctly selected answers to the total number of distractors.

  • The quotient rule is used when the expected number of correct answers is provided in the question. You are advised to use this option and indicate the expected number of correct answers in the question.
  • The product rule is used when the expected number of correct answers is NOT indicated in the question.
  • Differences in results of assigning minus points to separate questions and to combined questions

    Assigning minus points to separate questions and to parts of combined questions can result in a 100% difference in score for students. Two cases to illustrate this:

    Case 1: Exam 1 consists of 6 separate questions, in which 1 point is given for a correct answer, and -1 point for an incorrect answer. Student 1 answered 3 questions correctly and 3 questions incorrectly, and thus scores 3 points. Score calculation: (1p) + (1p) + (1p) + (-1p=0p) + (1=0p) + (-1=0p) = 3 points.

    Case 2: Exam 2 consists of one combined question with 6 parts, in which 1 point is given for every correct answer and -1 point for every incorrect answer. Student 2 answers 3 questions correctly and 3 questions incorrectly, and thus scores 0 points. After all, the student scores 3 points for the 3 correct answers, but also -3 points for the incorrect answers. Score calculation: (1p) + (1p) + (1p) – (-1p) – (1p) – (1p) = 0 points.

    As long as the result of case 2 is not desired, it is advised not to assign minus points to a combined question.
