CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo

Remote assessment


General information

On this page you will find frequently asked questions about Examinations and Assessment during the Covid-19 period. You will find questions about Remindo, but also more broad questions about Examinations and Assessment.

Keep an eye on this section. Frequently asked questions are further added and completed.

Important external information sources

You can also find interesting information about testing in times of corona measures via the UU page ‘Remote teaching’ :

  • The ‘Assessment framework for continuing education in connection with Covid-19’ (downloadable via the link with the same name) describes who has which role in the decision whether education and testing will continue (in an alternative way), which considerations are important and offers initial starting points for alternative forms of education and testing.
  • Under the link ‘(Remote) testing’ you will find general information and a few background articles about the conversion of test formats and remote testing. There is also specific information about online proctoring.
  • In the ‘A reference to remote digital assessment’ a brief description is provided of what should be considered when testing takes place remotely and what needs to be adjusted in those exams.

Need help adjusting your exam for a home exam?

If you want to arragne a digital exam in Remindo, always contact your faculty scheduler first. The scheduling of a digital examination from home is no different than the scheduling of a normal digital examination.

If you need support with the creation/implementation of a digital test, please contact your key-user in time.

If you want educational advice when adapting your exam to an exam or assignment for a home examination, send an email to out colleagues from Education and Training,



