CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo

Remote assessment


Requesting e-assistant for an online exam

It is now possible to request an e-assistant to support your online exam due to the increase in online home exams via Remindo. This is possible for exams from the 11th of January onward. Like the on site e-assistant, the e-assistantwill be available online to answer Remindo-related questions. This is a pilot and will be evaluated at the end of block 2.


  • The e-assistant supports the exam via MS Teams. You can share you screen (and give the e-assistant control) with the e-assistant if necessary.
  • The e-assistant does not have access to Remindo.
  • The e-assistant does not have the rights a key-user has in Remindo
  • The e-assistant supports actions like:

> how do I add extra time during the exam?
> how do I approve the students at the start of the exam?
> how does a joint start work?
> The e-assistant can also support the teacher by answering basic Remindo questions.

  • The e-assistant can only instruct which actions the teacher must take, the e-assistant can under no circumstances take over tasks and responsibilities from the teacher.
  • The e-assistant will call you 20 minutes before the start of the exam via MS teams. The e-assistant is available during the whole exam for Remindo support.

Requesting the e-assistant


The deadline for requesting an e-assistant is max two weeks beforehand. Any later requests are based on best effort, but support cannot be guaranteed. 

Requesting proces:

  1. The exam will be scheduled via the regular way in the faculty as an “online exam via Remindo”.
  2. The key-user or the teacher can request support via this online form.
  3. The planner will assign an e-assistant to the scheduled exam.
  4. You will get a confirmation from as soon as possible to connect the teacher with the e-assitant and to receive more info on the process.