CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo

Remote assessment


Online surveillance

Online surveillance with Microsoft Teams

To supervise an exam that students make at home in Remindo online, you can use MS Teams. For further informatie read the 20201020 – Remindo-MS Teams – FAQ Online surveilleren (EN) and for use open 20201022 – Remindo-Teams – Roadmap online surveillance (EN).

Online surveillance with StarLeaf

To supervise an exam that students make at home in Remindo online, you can use StarLeaf. For further informatie read the 20210727 – Remindo-StarLeaf – FAQ Online surveillance (EN), for use download the 20210727 – Remindo-StarLeaf – Step-by-stap online surveillance (EN) and click here for some conclusies from the pilot (202004) (NL&EN).
