CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo


You can find (news)items on Remindo releases and other assessment related updates on this page.

! Updates Remindo !

Here are two updates in Remindo from the last week: Because there was often confusion about the difference between ‘Chromebooks’ and ‘Thuis’* (home) when setting up the location of a test moment, ‘Thuis’ has now been changed to ‘Overig‘* (other). ‘Thuis’ seemed to suggest that students could only take their exam from home if this…

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Remindo release 24.2

Release 24.2 of Remindo has been rolled out on Sunday 31st of March 2024. This release brings several adjustments to the Remindo system: The term ‘recipe’ has been changed to ‘blueprint’, since this term best fits the concept on an international level. The term will be changed in the texts on this supportsite as soon…

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Emergency plan digital assessment

An emergency plan has been developed for when administering exams with Remindo Test or Numworx. The emergency plan provides clarity in case an emergency occurs in the exam room where a test is being administered with either Remindo Test or Numworx. Paper exams, tests that are administered at home, or Tests being administered with TestVision…

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Remindo release 24.1

Release 24.1 of Remindo has been rolled out on Sunday 4th of February 2024. This release brings several adjustments and/or improvements to the Remindo system: The standard base score of a Matching question with the setting “one association per row” or “one association” was ‘-1’ before. For these two options it is now decided that…

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Retention period answers and results

Answers and results of digital exams are saved in Remindo for the duration of two years. This data will be removed from Remindo two years after the exam was administered to comply to the set retention period by the UU. An email explaining the reasoning behind this was sent out earlier to teachers working with…

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Remindo release 23.6

Release 23.6 of Remindo has been rolled out on Sunday, 26th of November 2023. This release brings several adjustments and/or improvements to the Remindo system: It is possible to add a so-called ‘Answer model’ to a question. This term has now been changed to ‘Elaboration of the answer’ in Remindo. However, the function hasn’t changed;…

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Checking open question anonymously by default

SO&O has requested the following, in regards to checking open questions anonymously: We request that key-users select the function ‘anonymous correction round’ in Remindo by default. It is of course still possible to check non-anonymously if this is necessary, but anonymously is preferred. Reason for this request is because research shows that anonymous checking is…

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Remindo release 23.5

On Sunday, 24 September 2023, release 23.5 of Remindo has been rolled out. Before, it was possible to retroactively push the most recent version of the caesura of a test recipe to all connected administering environments. With this release, it has also been made possible to similarly push changes to feedback categories. This has also…

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Remindo release 23.4

On Sunday, 30 July 2023, release 23.4 of Remindo has been rolled out. With this release it has been made possible for students to open a PDF-attachment (pertaining to the question) in the feedback given on a question in a practice or practice test. Furthermore, the pie chart on the analysis page will now turn…

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(Updated) Remindo release 23.3

On Sunday, 21 May 2023, release 23.3 of Remindo has been rolled out. With this release it has been made possible to make a correction division based on percentages when creating a correction round. You can contact your faculty key-user for more information. The page on the supportsite will be updated shortly. Another update concerns…

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