CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo


Checking open question anonymously by default

SO&O has requested the following, in regards to checking open questions anonymously:

We request that key-users select the function ‘anonymous correction round’ in Remindo by default. It is of course still possible to check non-anonymously if this is necessary, but anonymously is preferred. Reason for this request is because research shows that anonymous checking is more objective and therefore reduces prejudices.

Other forms of assessments, such as essays and presentations, are not easily assessed anonymously because of the value of interim feedback and personal contact moments. Seeing as already 83% of our assessments are performed digitally, there is a lot of potential for anonymous assessment.

If you have further questions about checking anonymously in Remindo, please contact your faculty key-user or the CAT. For questions regarding policy, please contact Hannah Wasbauer (SO&O).