CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo


! Updates Remindo !

Here are two updates in Remindo from the last week: Because there was often confusion about the difference between ‘Chromebooks’ and ‘Thuis’* (home) when setting up the location of a test moment, ‘Thuis’ has now been changed to ‘Overig‘* (other). ‘Thuis’ seemed to suggest that students could only take their exam from home if this…

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Emergency plan digital assessment

An emergency plan has been developed for when administering exams with Remindo Test or Numworx. The emergency plan provides clarity in case an emergency occurs in the exam room where a test is being administered with either Remindo Test or Numworx. Paper exams, tests that are administered at home, or Tests being administered with TestVision…

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Retention period answers and results

Answers and results of digital exams are saved in Remindo for the duration of two years. This data will be removed from Remindo two years after the exam was administered to comply to the set retention period by the UU. An email explaining the reasoning behind this was sent out earlier to teachers working with…

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Checking open question anonymously by default

SO&O has requested the following, in regards to checking open questions anonymously: We request that key-users select the function ‘anonymous correction round’ in Remindo by default. It is of course still possible to check non-anonymously if this is necessary, but anonymously is preferred. Reason for this request is because research shows that anonymous checking is…

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Reading software in Remindo

It is now possible for students to use reading software in Remindo, when they a learning agreement that allows them to. More information on reading software in Remindo can be found here.

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Ouriginal plagiarism check

From the 25th of October 2022 it is possible to use the Ouriginal plagiarism check for (home) exams in Remindo. You can read more about how to turn on and use the plagiarism check here.

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Changes in default settings Remindo

Attention! As of July 22, 2022, there are changes in some default settings in Remindo. In this document you can read what the changed default settings are.

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Changes to default settings Remindo

Attention! As of the 22th of July 2022, there are changes to some of the default settings of test recipes in Remindo. In the Remindo Admin View ( there will be some changes to the default settings of test recipes for a summative test. The new default settings have been chosen after thorough consultation between…

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