CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • This page contains all frequently asked questions about Remindo software or the proces of e-assessment using Remindo.
  • The page is subdivided into the eight steps as can be seen on the homepage. If any steps are missing on this page, that means we have not yet received any questions concerning those steps.

Current steps:

  1. Practical information before you start
  2. Creating questions
  3. Composing an exam
  4. Exam performance, viewing results and checking questions
  • Please note! Do you need any information concerning instructions on how to perform exams (for students and teachers)? Or what about the E-assessment checklist? These documents contain essential information.

  • Please choose one of the questions below.

    Question: What is the minimal period of time to schedule a digital exam (even if I have already requested an exam on paper)?

    Answer: This must be done at least 4 weeks in advance at the Faculty of Humanities and at least 2 weeks in advance at other faculties. During exam periods, it could occur that 4-2 weeks in advance does not guarantee a spot for a digital exam.

    Question: When typing in the URL to log into Remindo, I receive an error message. What is happening?

    Answer: Make sure to enter the following URL: ‘’ or ‘’. Do not put ‘https://www’ in front of the address.

  • Please choose one of the questions below.

    Question: Can I include question types used for drawing in Remindo?

    Answer: Remindo does not offer a question type in which a student can produce a drawing as their answer. Discuss with your key user whether there are any options in or beyond Remindo to create the exam question you want to ask.

  • Please choose one of the questions below.

    Question: Is it possible to test my exam (while composing it) from the student view?

    Answer: Yes, this is possible. You can test your exam using a similar view as the student view during exam performance. You will not see any results afterwards, though. For more information, please click here.

    Question: Can I negate guessing in Remindo?

    Answer: Yes, you can. For more information on negate guessing, please click here.

  • Please choose one of the questions below.

    Question: Does a teacher have to be present during a digital exam or digital review?

    Answer: Yes. The e-supervisors present are only responsible for technical support, not for exam performance or review. A teacher is responsible for to answer questions on the exam content and to ensure that no pictures of the exam are taken.

    Question: Do I have to bring my own laptop to a digital exam performance?

    Answer: To grant digital permission to students you must login on a device. This can be your own device or a Chromebook present in the exam room.

    Question: Who will help me when something goes wrong during an exam performance?

    Answer: In case of an incident during a secured digital exam performance on Chromebook, the e-supervisors will support you.

    Question: If internet issues occur during an exam performance using Chrombookes, will the answers be preserved?

    Answer: As soon as a student starts the exam, all questions will be saved locally on the Chromebook. Even if internet issues occur, a students can still continue their exam. As soon as the internet is back up, the answers will be immediatly uploaded to Remindo. Please note! The student should never close the exam or close the Chromebook if the internet is not back up again. Not even when the exam time is over.

    Question: Is it possible to edit the answer key after exam performance?

    Answer: This is possible, but any changes made only affect the results of the performed exam. Changing the answer key is thus far only possible when using closed questions. Click here for more information on this subject.

    Question: Is it possible – as a teacher – to correct an exam horizontally (per question instead of per student)?

    Answer: Yes, this is possible. Open questions are assigned to assessors per rule within the blueprint. You can determine this distribution system yourself. Please note! If each assessor only corrects one question, please seperate the questions by adding them to different rules in the blueprint. Please click here for more information (see the yellow tip under step 3).
