CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo


Changes to default settings Remindo

Attention! As of the 22th of July 2022, there are changes to some of the default settings of test recipes in Remindo.

In the Remindo Admin View ( there will be some changes to the default settings of test recipes for a summative test. The new default settings have been chosen after thorough consultation between various parties involved, in order to make the set up of a test recipe for a large number of users within the UU simple and quick. We understand the new settings are not the correct settings for all users, and they can of course be adjusted when creating test recipes. Therefore please pay attention to the correct settings for your test when you set up your test from the specified date.

New default settings

The new default settings that differ from the previous default settings for the (summative) test recipe are as follows:

Instelling Wat voor wijziging?
Round score to

Changed to 2 decimals

Explanation: rounding to 2 decimal places makes it easier to see how a student has scored and a more accurate grade is included and can be used in exports.

Previously: ‘1 decimal
Rounding method

Adjusted to Normal rounding rules

Explanation: In addition to the setting to show 2 decimal places, it is now immediately visible whether a student has scored a 5.49 or a 5.50, so that it is no longer necessary to set the setting to rounding down to the cut-off point.

If the setting is manually adjusted to 1 decimal, rounding around the caesura point is something to keep an eye on.

Previously: ‘Normal rounding rules, round down at the caesura point
Text marker available

Changed to Allow marking in all questions texts.

Explanation: in longer pieces of text or in more complex questions, it can help a student to mark in the question with the aim of increasing the understanding of the question. Marking is only possible in the question text and/or case text. One’s own answer cannot be marked.

Previously: ‘Do not allow marking text
Show max. points of questions during test?

Changed to Yes, always

Explanation: it is important to be transparent to students and to indicate how many points are awarded for each question. By putting this setting on ‘Yes, always’ lecturers no longer need to indicate the number of points for each question (in the question itself).

Previously: ‘Use settings from the test player