CAT supportsite: Digital assessment with Remindo

Test blueprints


Blueprint: adding variants

Various variants can be created from source blueprints. You can copy a random set of questions from a source blueprint and create a variant with a fixed set of questions. In the source blueprint, you might have categorized all questions for a course according to theme. For example, rule one contains a total of fifty question out of which you want to use five on the exam. Rule two consists of 40 questions out of which you also want to use five on the exam, etc. If you use the source blueprint for such a exam, each student will be presented with different questions. This is why it could be desirable to create a variant.

It is possible to create four different variants:

  • Copy all settings and rules without selections
    A copy/variant is made in which all the settings and rules are copied, but the selection of questions is not.
  • Copy all settings and determine a fixed set of questions
    The selected questions from the source blueprint will be copied to a new variant and all questions will be added to separate rules.
  • Copy all settings and determine a fixed set of questions while maintaining the current Rules
    The selected questions from the source blueprint will be copied to a new variant, retaining the number of rules from the source blueprint.
  • Copy all settings and combine all Rules into one
    In contrast to the two options above, this variant will have copied all questions from a source blueprint and put them all in one rule (an exact copy).

All three variants copy the ‘Settings blueprint’ (hyperlink: from the source blueprint. Each variant will be discussed on this page.

Please note! An exact copy is made by clicking on ‘Add variant’ (option: copy all settings, rules and selections), although an exact copy isn’t literally a variant of course.


  • When selecting a new questions set, Remindo will track which questions have appeared on exams before and will preferentially select questions that have had less exposure.

  • Step 1

    • Log in to admin view.
    • Click on ‘Tests’ and select the blueprint you want to add a variant to from the blueprint list on the left.

  • Step 2

    • On the right, ‘Blueprint details’ will appear.
    • Click on ‘Content’, then ‘Rules’ and then on ‘Add variant’. You can now choose which type of variant you would like to add.

  • Step 3

    • Once you click on ‘Add variant’, you can choose which type of variant to add.
    • Click on ‘Settings variant’ and choose how to copy the settings.
    • Click on ‘Save’.

  • Step 4

    Copy all settings and rules without selections

    • A copy/variant is made in which all the settings and rules are copied, but the selection of questions is not.
    • You can use this option when you want to copy the structure and settings of an existing blueprint, but you do not want to copy the selection of questions. After the variant is created, you can add the questions you want to use in this blueprint yourself.
    • Name this new blueprint to distinguish it from the source blueprint (if unsure, ask your key-use for any guidelines they might have) and save the blueprint.

  • Step 5

    Copy all settings and determine a fixed set of questions

    • The selected questions from the source blueprint will be copied to a new variant and all questions will be added to separate rules.
    • Name this new blueprint to distinguish it from the source blueprint (if unsure, ask your key-use for any guidelines they might have).
    • Under ‘Settings variant’, you will see all ‘selected questions’ (ID, code, example).
    • If you are unhappy with the selected questions, you can generate a new set of questions by clicking on the icon on the right.
    • If you are happy with the selected questions, and you have changed the name and code of the variant, you can save the new blueprint.

  • Step 6

    Copy all settings and determine a fixed set of questions while maintaining the current Rules

    • The selected questions from the source blueprint will be copied to a new variant, retaining the number of rules from the source blueprint.
    • Name this new blueprint to distinguish it from the source blueprint (if unsure, ask your key-use for any guidelines they might have).
    • Under ‘Settings variant’, you will see all ‘selected questions’ (ID, code, example).
    • If you are unhappy with the selected questions, you can generate a new set of questions by clicking on the icon on the right.
    • If you are happy with the selected questions, and you have changed the name and code of the variant, you can save the new blueprint.

  • Step 7

    Copy all settings and combine all Rules into one

    • In contrast to the two options above, this variant will have copied all questions from a source blueprint and put them all in one rule (an exact copy).
    • When using the other two types of variants, it is possible to generate a new set of questions. However, that is not possible with this type of variant as all questions in the source blueprint are copied.
    • Name this new blueprint to distinguish it from the source blueprint (if unsure, ask your key-use for any guidelines they might have).

  • Step 8

    Disconnecting variants

    • All created variants will be embedded into the source blueprint in the blueprint list.
    • However, it is possible to disconnect the variant from its source blueprint. In such a case, it is still desirable to name this new blueprint to distinguish it from the source blueprint.
    • Once you have disconnected the variant from its source blueprint, it will appear in the same position as source blueprints. The blueprints are in alphabetical order.
    • Once the variant has been disconnected, it becomes possible to add a variant to the disconnected variant.
